Interactive English Thesaurus


Main Window of application Interactive English Thesaurus
Suggestions of Interactive English Thesaurus

This is an interactive English thesaurus with a GUI (Graphical User Interface) the user can input and search for words in. If the dictionary doesn't find a word (for example when it was typed incorrectly), it uses an algorithm to find the three most similar ones and suggests them to the user. The words and their definitions are stored in a local PostgreSQL database, and the username and password required to access to it are input py the user when the program is started. The color theme of the GUI can be changed by clicking on the toolbar icons. This application was written in Python using the wxPython library for the GUI and the psycopg2 library for the PostgreSQL database management.

GitHub Repository

Take a look at my code!


Executable File

Download the program and try it out yourself!

How to run the application:
1. Install PostgreSQL (required)
2. Download the file and unzip it
3. Run the executable file in the directory (interactiveEnglishThesaurus.exe)
